-All patrons must be members or participants in current activity.
-Your key card is only to be used for yourself if you have a single membership or your immediate family in the case of a family membership.
-All children under the age of ten (10) must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) in all areas of the facility at all times.
-NO food, glass bottles, gum, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, radios, or roller blades are permitted the gym. Capped, spill-proof, non-glass water bottles are permitted.
-Appropriate footwear and attire are required at all times.
-Do not remove or break down any equipment located in the gym.
-Greensburg Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
-Profanity and rough play are not tolerated. Fighting will result in immediate removal from the facility.
-NO DUNKING! This is defined as no touching, grasping, or holding, on to any part of the rim or net.
-Programs, classes, or scheduled activities take priority. IF you choose to use the gym during this time, you will have limited access to basketball courts.
-Patrons shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Greensburg Recreation Commission. Abuse and/or misuse of recreation property and equipment is unacceptable. People found in violation of these rules will be asked to leave to the premises and action may result in entry privileges suspended or revoked.
I, the undersigned, have read the policies of both the Gym Facility Area and Weight Room. I take full responsibility for the actions of myself and/or family members listed above. I understand that failure to comply will result in loss of membership, or financial accountability.